Sciatic Pain as known as "Sciatica" is a nerve pain that occurs when the Sciatic Nerve has been compressed or pinched. Sciatica originated when the Sciatic Nerve becomes squeezed. It's Normally by Herniated disk in the human spine or by an excess of 'bonus spur' on human vertebrae. Sciatic Pain originates from the lower back region and radiates down to the Sciatic Nerve path, which is into the gluteal area, Buttocks hips, and Downward the leg of the affected one. The Sciatic Nerve is the thickest and longest nerve in the Human body. This Sciatic Nerve is made up of five Nerve Roots. Two from the Lower back region called Lumber Spine. Three from the final Section of the Spine.When the five Nerve Roots come together to form the Right and Left Sciatic Nerves.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you may be suffering from Sciatic Pain. But please do not feel overwhelmed as regardless of the cause 90% of people suffering from Sciatic Pain doesn't mean you have only a surgery option for it, Instead, you can get better in just a week with our physiotherapy management and treatments.
What are the Main causes of Sciatica?
Since a wide range of disorders may be at the root of a person's sciatic nerve pain, the diagnosis will generally begin by identifying that the source of your pain is indeed sciatica using exercises like lifting your legs one at a time, while walking on your toes, while laying on your back, and standing up from a squat.
After identifying that you indeed do have sciatica, a suite of diagnostic tests will be run to determine what is the root cause have- This can include - X-rays, MRIs and CT scans to examine your spine and nerves condition
The most common cause of sciatic pain involves pressure being placed on your nerves by some activity physiotherapy for sciatica focus on reducing this pressure when caused by spinal joints as well as alleviating the muscle tension in the legs, Buttocks, and back associated with pain to help restore mobility.
Why online consultation?
In this pandemic time avoid to visit clinic and go outside until & unless it is not