Do you have chronic back pain, neck pain or joints pain that questions your mobility? Self-acupuncture is nonpharmacological pain treatment and you desire to have improved posture, body mobility, and overall well-being other than through surgery. If so, it is high time to turn to the therapeutic impact of chiropractic treatment offered by one of the leading chiropractors in India, Dr.Dinesh Bhardwaj.
ActiveAyulife is based in the basement of Bandhan Bank in Vikaspuri, Delhi, where Dr. Bhardwaj treats patients using state of the art chiropractic techniques that will help you in your quest to obtain sustainable health remedy. For over fifteen years, Dr. Bhardwaj has practiced up-to-date minimally invasive techniques, and believes in finding the source of your discomfort and treating it not just the symptom.
In today’s blog, discover how Dr. Dinesh Bhardwaj has made himself one to the best chiropractors in India, and how a visit to ActiveAyulife can help you.
1. Spinal and Musculoskeletal Care Professional
Dr. Dinesh Bhardwaj renders his expertise in managing several kinds of muscular skeletal ailments with emphasis on Back pain. It matters not whether one has a persistent lower back pain, neck, sciatica, joint pain or sports injuries, Dr. Bhardwaj’s treatment plans targets at correcting the root cause of the pain in the shortest time possible.
Spinal misalignments, often referred to as subluxations, can affect almost every physiological dysfunctions as chiropractic care efficiently treats the misalignments of the spine. Dr. Bhardwaj employs gentle manipulative therapies in the repositioning of the spine that does not require any force in order to correct the misalignment and enhance the general body functions, relief of joint pain etc.
2. Holistic Approach to Healing
From the ActiveAyulife platform, Dr. Bhardwaj exercises spinal adjustments but goes a step further. He works on the whole body structure as being receiving the attention being a musculoskeletal system that is composed of the muscles, bones, and joints so that your overall health is considered. This includes:
3. Patient-centered approach for Each Individual
Another value at ActiveAyulife is individual approach Being a doctor, Dr. Bhardwaj understands that no two people are the same and requires different approach. When you first visit the doctor, Dr. Bhardwaj always does a comprehensive review to clinically evaluate your state, examine the patient, and review your medical history. This makes it easy for him to design a treatment plan that will suit your health needs and desire.
Regardless of whether a person experiences short-term or chronic pain, Dr. Bhardwaj will offer a management plan that will help a patient reach the best possible results. Church said that it ranges from spinal manipulation to individual exercise prescription in an attempt to help you regain your function and optimize your health rapidly and effectively.
4. Chiropractor With Training From Other Countries
Chiropractic care is international education & training that Dr. Dinesh Bhardwaj uses for addressing patients’ issues. He has also taken his education and practice outside the country to familiarise himself with state of the art techniques of chiropractic. This training enables him to give the best treatment which will embrace the best practice from all over the world.
Clinically trained in chiropractic science, Dr. Bhardwaj is aware of the most innovative techniques and techniques of the chiropractor’s craft hence offering ActiveAyulife patients with a treatment that has been proven safe and effective.
5. An Evidence based record of Performance
Dr. Bhardwaj has many years of practice and many satisfied customers thus placing him among the best chiropractors. The majority of his patients who have arrived to clinic suffering from chronic pain of restricted physical ability have reported substantial improvements. They say ‘pain is invisible.’ But everyone who has ever tried to manage chronic pain in their back, control their posture, or rehabilitate after the injury knows how torture it is.
ActiveAyulife is having the facility of a clinic at the basement of the Bandhan Bank located at Vikaspuri, Delhi. The fact that the clinic is to be located in the central business district means that clients from West Delhi and the neighbouring districts will be able to visit the clinic with ease.
It is aimed at the clinic’s organization where patients can freely relax and spend their time comfortably during intentions. Whether a patient visits the clinic for a consultation or coming in for chiropractic adjustment, this clinic provides a clean inclusive environment that assists in the healing process.
The address is:
Day In-Ayulife Chiropractic Clinic
Basement, Bandhan Bank
Vikaspuri, Delhi - 110018
Appointments are taken at Convenience with our flexible hour schedule sufficient for working folks, and you can reach out for an appointment or consultation through a call or online.
Why online consultation?
In this pandemic time avoid to visit clinic and go outside until & unless it is not